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Ecopoxy Color Pigment

Dec 28

All American Wood Works is pleased to welcome you! Our Ecopoxy Color Pigment is the perfect method to add a splash of color to your projects. The pigment is made from natural wood fibers and is safe to use on most surfaces.


Ecopoxy is an organic and environmentally friendly pigment made from plant-based materials. It comes in a wide range of colors, making it suitable for printing and packaging that is eco-friendly. Ecopoxy pigment can also be utilized in food products since it is nontoxic and water-soluble.

Ecopoxy Color Pigment Background

Ecopoxy pigment is a water-soluble non-toxic, and eco-friendly colorant that can be utilized in a variety of products. It is an exclusive combination of plant-derived compounds and comes with a vivid, vivid color. Ecopoxy pigment is safe for be used in cosmetics and food products.

Ecopoxy pigment is made of renewable resources such as corn oil and soybean oil. The soybean oil content makes it a green product. Ecopoxy pigment has also low toxicity , making it suitable for sensitive skin types.

What exactly is Ecopoxy?

Ecopoxy, a brand new type of pigment for color made from plant-based ingredients It is a brand-new product. It is eco-friendly and safe, making it a great option for paints and other products.

What exactly is Ecopoxy?

Ecopoxy is an eco-friendly pigment that is made from natural ingredients. It is derived from plant-derived substances and does not contain harmful chemicals. Ecopoxy is also used to make paints, varnishes, and inks.

Ecopoxy is a brand new kind of color pigment that is created from plants. It is an environmentally-friendly alternative to traditional oil-based pigments. Ecopoxy is a plant-based product that does not contain hazardous chemicals or heavy metals.

Ecopoxy stops color from spreading through binding to the pigment's surface. This lets you create more vibrant colors with lesser pigment than other kinds of pigments.

Different types of ecopoxy

There are many eco-friendly and environmentally friendly products that are available. These include eco-poxy color composed of plants-based substances. Since it is not toxic and eco-friendly, eco-poxy color is an ideal alternative to traditional colors.

The eco-poxy color pigment is versatile and may be used in many applications including paints, plastics and even paper products. It is also used as an ingredient to food items and cosmetics. Eco-poxy color pigments are free of harmful chemicals and has a long shelf life.

Ecopoxy: Who uses it?

Ecopoxy is a brand of environmentally-friendly color pigments that are made of organic ingredients like sunflower oil, beeswax and carnauba wax. Ecopoxy claims that the pigment is at minimum 70% composed of renewable resources. In addition to being eco-friendly, the product is also vegan, gluten free, and non-toxic.

Brooke Shuler, Brooklyn, NY, and Leslie Kalman, London, England Two artists who have used Ecopoxy color pigments. Kalman often uses Ecopoxy in her paintings of children and flowers to create vibrant colors not usually found in nature. Shuler makes use of Ecopoxy to create artwork that is inspired by online botanical illustrations. She finds that the product produces natural-looking colours that are compatible with other non-toxic materials such as waxed canvas and paint.


The Ecopoxy color pigment is able to be used as a non-toxic recyclable, biodegradable and renewable alternative to conventional colors. It is made of organic ingredients and is free of harmful chemicals. Ecopoxy color pigment can be utilized in a variety of applications like makeup hair dye, makeup and paint.

Ecopoxy, a plant-based and sustainable pigment, is made by combining castor oil (water) along with other natural ingredients. It is non-toxic and environmentally friendly, making it an excellent choice for crafters and artists who are looking for eco-friendly colours. Ecopoxy is available in a broad range of colors, making it suitable for both artistic design and practical use.

Ecopoxy costs about $4 per pound. That is more expensive than most other pigments made from plants, however the high quality of the product is worth the price. Ecopoxy is simple to work with, produces vivid colors, and can be combined with other additives in order to create custom colors.


Ecopoxy color pigments are safe and environmentally friendly. Ecopoxy comes in a variety of colors so that you can pick the best one for your needs. Ecopoxy is also free of acetone. This means it won't cause harm to your paper or fabric.

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